Wednesday, April 7, 2010

National Vaccine Information Center – Vaccine Watch Dog

National Vaccine Information Center – Vaccine Watch Dog

Do you have a harassment story to share? Answer our Vaccine Harassment Reporting Form. Your personal identity will be kept confidential.

Date Posted: Mar 30, 2010
My son has Mitochondria Myopathy and is diagnosed as being on a spectrum of autism. It has been documented that children with Mitochondria Myopathy not be exposed to the live viruses and things that can cause high temperatures. He is six years old and cannot speak, he also has seizures. We did not find out that shots could possibly add to his problems until a neurologist mentioned it might be a problem. He had all of his shots but his last MMR. Of course, then I am concerned and begin to do research. Well, a lot of his problems could stem from shots. The neurologist refused to tell the state health department his concerns. He said he was darned if he did and darned if he didn't. My son had the titers test and showed immunity to Measles and Rubella but not to Mumps. I said well give him the Mumps shot so he can stay in school, but he doesn't need the other two. The head person at the state said I could take him out of school or move. I said I am will to give him the mumps shot because he needs to be in school, but he doesn't need the other two and they may pose a problem for him. He said there is danger in everything and the shot is given together. I reminded him that in our state there had not been a case of Mumps in several years but he said that is the only choice you have to take the shot. Now I know what it is like to have your freedoms taken away.

Date Posted: Mar 21, 2010
Before my son was born I read to inform myself about vaccines. After reading alot of information from both sides of the vaccination debate I decided that I may receive some vaccines for my son but decline the vast majority. I also wanted to delay vaccines as long as possible. When approaching my pediatrician about my decision I was met with opposition. At first he tried to inform me of the benefits of vaccination and told me vaccines were "much safer than they used to be." My mind was never at ease about the vaccinations my son received although he received them at a much slower rate. The pediatrician repeatedly told me that after I saw that my son experienced no complications, I would feel better about the vaccinations and start to vaccinate him on schedule. I expressed concerns about autism and other adverse reactions but my son's pediatrician put increasingly more pressure on me to get him vaccinated before beginning preschool. I have since filed for religious exemption; I wish I had known this option existed all along and I would have felt so much less turmoil having to subject my child to an unecessary and possibly very harmful medical procedures. On another occasion after reviewing the vaccination insert, I asked him if a vaccine my son was receiving contained mercury; he stated it doesn't contain "thimerisol." Small incidents like these created much distrist between the pediatrician and myself. When my son was nearing preschool entry I allowed him to recieve many vaccines at one time to catch up. When the nurse came in to vaccinate him I could tell that she was nervous. When I asked her if she was sure that it was alright he was receiving so many she stated that people did it all the time. The look on her face told a different story. I should have never allowed him to recieve so many shots. Since that time his attention span has decreased, although this may be a result of his age (4 year old boys are active!)It is unfortunate that instead of considering overall health and wellness, our pediatrician basically only discussed immunization at our visits. His agenda was very clear. When my daughter was born I kept the same pediatrician and thought I would delay her immunizations also. I thought eventually he would understand my position I guess. We didn't have many check-ups at that time in my children's lives because we did not have health insurance. I allowed her to receive a Hib vaccine only at our first check-up. When we went for a follow up visit nearly a year after her first checkup following 2 febrile seizures I was told to get her caught up on vaccines or find a new pediatrician. I'm sure the doctor had concerns about meningitis, but that was no way to convey his point. Because she has had 4-5 febrile seizures I am delaying all vaccinations until she outgrows seizures. We are in the process of finding a new pediatrician who will listen to and understand our concerns about immunizations and the possibility that they may do more harm than good. I want a health care provider who understands I want the best for my children and have spent many hours reading information so I can make the best decision for my children, even though the decision to vaccinate or not is a hard decision to make. I don't expect a pediatrician to agree with me but just be able to see things from the perspective of a concerned parent. Parents know their children better than anyone else and deserve to make decisions regarding them without the intimidation and coercision of health professionals.

Date Posted: Feb 20, 2010
My Doctor in Calgary, AB told me that people who say not to get vaccinated are rooted in witchcraft or opinions. He said it is a true statement and if I don't get my daughter vaccinated that it would affect my ability to receive services with him. His expectations are that if he tells his patient to do something, that as an educated professional his advice should be trusted and done. If patients do not do this, especially in regards to vaccinations then his services would not be continued. He told me to come back in 6 months so he could have a fight with me again. Also the following

Date Posted: Feb 13, 2010
My children (ages 5 years old and 4 months) were just kicked out of their pediatrician's office due to mine and my husband's choice not to have them vaccinated. I took my 4 month old daughter to a check-up appointment Friday and was told by her pediatrician that we could not come back. He said we were "a liability to him and other patients". He tried to badger me into vaccinating them, even though I had told him at a previous appointment we were not interested in vaccinating at this time. It was horrible. He told me I was over-reacting and that adjuvants/preservatives were not harmful. He said if we wanted to change our mind we were "welcome to come back." I said "We won't, but thanks." He asked me "Then what diseases ARE you ok with them getting?" when I told him we still didnt want to vaccinate. He said he believed I just didnt want to see my daughter get a shot. I could have screamed! I cant believe I was spoken to in that way and in that tone in front of my own children. I feel violated.

Date Posted: Feb 05, 2010
In November of 2008, my previously healthy 65 year old mother got a flu shot. She had not had one before and does not know why she got one this time. She was a college professor of nursing and had never heard of Guillain Barre or any type of similar vaccine reaction. No one told her about it or that people with autoimmune illnesses are at greater risk of vaccine reactions. She was diagnosed with the Miller Fisher variety of Guillain Barre in Jan 09. Shortly after, because of cardiac complications of her individual case of GBS and treatment, she had a series of strokes which resulted in coma and blindness. She has partially regained her sight but is still effectively a quadraplegic, a year later. She has been hospitalized since Jan 09. Her complete prognosis is unknown but her doctors are certain that she will never be the same as she was before the vaccine. No one is sure if she will regain her ability to stand, walk or use her hands. I warn everyone I can about what can happen as a result of vaccines. I have educated doctors, nurses, scientists, moms, dads and kids. I know that this information has made a difference and I am proud to refer people to the NVIC, where they continue to learn what our government, doctors and most other health professionals won't teach them.

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